Flounder Gigging RSS

Flounder Gig, Flounder Gigging, Flounder Gigging Lights, Wading and Flounder Gigging -

WADING AND FLOUNDER GIGGING It's no secret that the brightest and most versatile flounder gigging lights available are the Swamp Eye Submersible Lights, but now it's time to figure out how to make the most of them! The Swamp Eye Submersible and Mini Swamp Eye Submersible both work well as boat mounted lights or lights for wading and floundering. As you may already know, the Mini Swamp Eye Submersible can be used above water or below water while the full size Swamp Eye Submersible is underwater only. If you haven't already, I would recommend checking out our commercial grade Flounder Gig, which...

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Boat Maintenance -

As the cold fronts move in and the U.S. has its first snowfall, we can truly say winter has come. The majority of boaters will be preparing to winterize their boat during this time, while most of us southerners will stay on the water through our version of a "Southern Winter". The northern U.S. isn't quite as fortunate as we are in the South, they actually experience snow and iced-over lakes which virtually eliminate the use of a boat. The catch though, they get to experience ice fishing. That's one thing we've placed on our bucket list. We've seen them even use our...

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Fall Flounder Run, Flounder Gigging, Flounder Run, Spring Flounder Run -

The best time of the year for flounder gigging is during the fall flounder run and the spring flounder run. These two flounder runs mark the beginning and end of the warmer weather along the coast, and are well known for producing consistent limits of flounder.  The flounder run is so consistent and heavy that many state fish and wildlife agencies are taking the initiative to close the season during parts of this major migration.  The Fall and Spring Flounder Run There are two major flounder migrations each year. They move inshore during the end of winter and start of spring after...

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Flounder Gigging, Rare Flounder -

t all started with an "Albino Flounder" harvested last weekend by a young man in Charleston, South Carolina. Several others commented calling it "piebald" and "leucistic" which are both possible color schemes, but we aren't biologists to confirm the proper nomenclature. We'll let you decide what you think the proper description is for this flounder. 

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Fall Flounder Run, Flounder Gigging -

The Fall flounder run is the most opportune time all year for fishermen to catch or gig flounder. The cause of the flounder run is due to hormone driven females to pile up along points and passes on their way out to the Gulf of Mexico to spawn.

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