Rare Flounder Colorations Along the Southeast Coast
This past week we've received several pictures of rare color schemes on flounder. If you follow us on Instagram or like us on Facebook, you already know which picture sparked the conversation.
It all started with an "Albino Flounder" harvested last weekend by a young man in Charleston, South Carolina. Several others commented calling it "piebald" and "leucistic" which are both possible color schemes, but we aren't biologists to confirm the proper nomenclature. We'll let you decide what you think the proper description is for this flounder. There's no argument that it's one unique creature.
This picture sparked further conversation, and we received more photos of flounder taken near Port O'Connor, Texas as well as areas near Jekyll Island, Georgia. Regardless of what you think the coloration is, these are some rare flounder photos you don't get to see too often!
The flounder above was taken near Port O'Connor, Texas. Notice that this is the bottom side of the flounder (eyes are on opposite side), where the flounder is normally completely white.
Here is another unique flounder taken near Jekyll Island, Georgia. This flounder appears to have a piebald or leucistic color scheme where some of the color pigment is non existent. Notice this is on the upward facing side of the flounder (eyes are on top) where the flounder is normally a camouflage green color.
This flounder was taken along the southeastern coast, at a location that was not disclosed to us. According to the fishermen who harvested this fish, it was camouflage green color on both front and back side of the flounder. He was not able to find additional photos to show the backside in more detail. This fish was harvested earlier this year.
Have any unique hunting or fishing photos you've recently taken? Send them to us! We will be happy to share them.
Outrigger Outdoors is a leading designer and manufacturer of flounder gigging lights and flounder gigs. Our Swamp Eye Flounder Gigging Lights pioneered the concept of color temperature adjustability, which allows flounder giggers to have better visibility in clear or muddy water. Swamp Eye Flounder Lights have an unrivaled light output as well, reaching an industry high 160 lumens per watt. This means we not only maximized the brightness of our flounder lights, but we minimized the power draw which means you get to stay out longer and see more fish. If you're looking to gain the edge and put more fish in the cooler, look no further than the Swamp Eye Flounder Gigging Lights.
Andy S
Just pulled up a flounder just like this on the south jersey shore! Normal pigment head and body and then white pigment latter half of body and tail. Never seen it before.