Flounder Gigging: Where to Aim and Why?
Having good aim while flounder gigging seems simple, but it can make the difference in losing a flounder or even coming home with butchered fish fillets.
As you may have heard, flounder is some of the best meat that the ocean provides. It’s delicious just about any way you cook it. In order to actually make the most of the flounder that you bring home, you need to know the best place to stick ‘em! We’re going to show you the best place to gig a flounder to maximize the meat on your plate and reduce the chances of the fish falling off your gig.
Where to Aim when Gigging Flounder
Gigging flounder is no doubt tons of fun. It’s even better when you get to make a meal out of what you brought home. Since flounder are some of the best eating fish around, it’s important to be careful where you aim your barbed flounder gig prongs.
As you can see in the image below, the fillet starts behind the gills and continues down the body to the tail. This is where you do not want to stick a flounder if at all possible. Most restaurants charge $20 per lb or more for flounder, so make the most of your late night gigging trips! Anywhere from the gills forward is fair game in terms of saving meat.
After years of hands-on experience, the general consensus on where to actually place your prongs is on the head of the flounder. However, the head can sometimes be small and can result in the fish falling off of your gig or you completely missing the flounder.
Quality flounder gigs are sure to hold on tight to flounder. Make life a little easier by investing into a fish rake to easily slide the flounder off into the ice box.
Aiming for those who are little less accurate
We like to say that the best place for those that are a little less accurate is right around the gill plate. This still preserves that delicious meat while giving you enough surface area to confidently bring the fish into the boat without fear of it falling off.
Gigging flounder in the head can kill them instantly which reduces the struggle and flopping that can cause flounder to fall off lesser quality flounder gigs, so either make sure you're a good shot or make sure you purchase of the best flounder gigs around. When gigging flounder, be sure the gig head is pressed in deep to avoid losing the fish. Anyone that has ever been gigging can tell you that having a flounder fall off your gig is a major buzz kill.
It is also important to keep in mind the size regulations for your area. As of the time of writing this blog, a few of the current size limits for total length of flounder are as follows (please read your latest local regulations prior to going flounder gigging):
Texas - 15 inch minimum
Mississippi - 12 inch minimum
Alabama - 12 inch minimum
Georgia - 12 inch minimum
Florida - 12 inch minimum
South Carolina - 15 inch minimum
North Carolina - 15 inch minimum
Virginia - 16.5 inch minimum (changes annually)
Don’t go flounder gigging without the right light. Our Flounder Gigging Lights and Supplies are super bright, color tone adjustable for clear or muddy water, and our flounder gigs are second to none in terms of quality craftsmanship. Easily expose and gig fish such as flounder, sheepshead, black drum, and many more.