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Bowfishing Lights -

Despite today's generators running quieter and quieter, the ability to run completely silent (on batteries) with your bowfishing lights is a topic many bowfishermen are considering. There are many pro's and con's to making this switch, and we'll take you through the in's and out's of making this decision. The primary objective in terms of lighting when bowfishing is to maximize brightness in the right color temperature (cool white for clear water or warm white for muddy water - more on that here) in order to maximize visibility in any water condition and ultimately see more fish.  Why does color temperature matter? To put it...

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Bowfishing, Bowfishing Lights -

We've been in the bowfishing business a long time, and every year we hear of new creative ways to mount bowfishing lights to your boat. We've seen people mount Swamp Eye Light Bars literally 15 ft up in the air, put Swamp Eye HDs on individual swivel rods, and many more out of the box methods. The purpose of this article is to tackle a problem that is becoming more common among bowfishermen who have multi-purpose boats (most commonly duck hunting boats): how to mount bowfishing lights in an easily removable manner. The result of this often stems from using the...

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Bowfishing Boat, Bowfishing Lights, Wiring -

Bowfishing light wiring is easy to do if you have the right guidance. We've been in the business for a very long time now, and we've seen all the ways not to wire a bowfishing boat with lights. We've also seen first hand things you can do now to save you a headache later on. We'll dive into the details on all of this.  There are two different paths you can take when installing bowfishing lights: DIY Bowfishing Light Wiring or Utilizing our Plug and Play Building Block Power Wire Harness.  DIY Bowfishing Light Wiring (can take several hours to do) DIY...

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Bowfishing, Bowfishing Generator, Bowfishing Lights -

Generators are used on bowfishing and flounder gigging boats for powering their trolling motors, lights, and other accessories. The majority of portable generators that are used have what's called a floating neutral. This floating neutral can cause your lights to flicker and other accessories to not function properly or optimally. Contractor-type generators are typically internally bonded and will not have these problems. However, these generators are too bulky for most flounder gigging and bowfishing boats so smaller portable generators are used. Almost all of these generators, regardless of brand, will have a floating neutral. You can research your generator or reach...

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Bowfishing, Bowfishing Light, Bowfishing Lights, Bowfishing Tournament, Bowfishing Tournaments -

The 2022 U.S. Open Bowfishing Championship hosted by Bass Pro Shops was one for the history books - it marked the largest bowfishing tournament in the world with nearly 230 teams competing for the top prize.  We had the opportunity to meet with many of our long friends we've met through bowfishing as well as put a face to a name of many of our new customers.  Team Ignited Bowfishing represented Outrigger Outdoors well with a Top 5 Finish! They ran a combination of Swamp Eye Light Bars and Swamp Eye HDs on their boat to find their fish. We'll...

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