Replacement Switch for Bow Mounted Light

  • Sale
  • $4.85
  • Regular price $7.99

These switches attach to the tailcap on the Bow Mounted Bowfishing Light and Bow Stabilizer Light for Night Hunting.

BigHead Bowfishing Switch features an on/off button and a momentary pressure switch button for jumping on light sensitive fish such as BigHead carp while bowfishing. This switch works best on warm white and cool white interchangeable LEDs. This switch comes standard with the Bow Mounted Bowfishing Light.

Dimmable Hunting Switch features an on/off button and adjustable brightness controls to increase or decrease the brightness of the light. This switch works best for night hunting with Red, Green, and Infrared interchangeable LEDs. It is not currently compatible with the warm white and cool white bowfishing LEDs. This switch comes standard with the Bow Stabilizer Light for Night Hunting.